After graduating from the prestigious "Wacky University of Eccentric Exuberance" of Smethwick, Birmingham, with flying colours, as well as holding a PHD in merriness (both with liquor & exhibiting joyous tendencies), in behaving like a big, rambunctious, fun-loving kid who never wants to grow up, I felt right at home when I began my PGL outdoor activity centre job on the February 6th 2014.

Caythorpe birthday celebrations! |
My fellow trainees were made up of an eclectic, cultural fruit salad (Aussies, South Africans, Americans, Canadians, Maltese and a vast array of Brits) of fun bundles.
Drunken nights (particularly on my 21st and 12 months birthday, involving copious amounts of booze and a shower to let my pent up inner feelings into...), ball-bouncingly funny incidents, namely a cheesecake moment (Ellis you know what I'm talking about you dog you!) and an awful night of glass shattering, lives will be lost karaoke from my PGL trainee comrades.
Welcome to Scotland! |
Dalguise! |
More Dalguise! |
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My Sheldon impression. |
Four 90 minute sessions a day from 9-12 and 2-5, may not sound much but the energetic, palpable and boisterous enthusiasm that is embedded in this job does cream cracker knacker ya, as does a bunch of unruly and sugar fueled kids, who think that listening involves speaking! You have my sympathy teachers, I was a terror back in the day...
My humble... |
...abode! |
Bungalow! |
Personally, a few of the ground sessions (the aforementioned activities) that I undertook started to lose their excitement, partly due to returning to autopilot/answering machine mode because of having to deliver safety talks, dealing with disinterested and unruly kids and my own at times perfunctory delivery for a less than riveting session of Orienteering or Challenge Course.
Welcome to Dalguise! |
This flourishing, beautiful and rare flower of a job involved being as creative, wacky... (see first paragraph for more adjectives) as humanly possible.
For those confused onlookers and readers who actually read this blog - for the few that do, many thanks! - ("GET ON WITH IT!") I would be in charge of a group ranging from school groups, brownies, cubs, scouts, families, learning & physical disabilities, young carers etc.
I would welcome them when their bus arrived (involved non-stop waving down a fairly length drive, where going too soon could lead to fatal arm cramps), introduce myself, do a site tour, get them to their accommodation, explain the fire procedures, what activity groups they were in, out of bounds areas (known as chocolate hills because if they went on them they would owe me or their leader a chocolate!) and the dining room procedures and etiquette.
From thereon in the madness commenced! I ate with my group at every meal, sang PGL songs (Ones I knew: Banana, Coconut, Everywhere we go, Coca Cola, Boom Chicka, Crazy Moose (my signature song), Chicken, Goldfish and my own made up and adapted songs, for which I am quite proud of!) and played games with them (Ninja, Down in the jungle, Splat, Evolution, Fishy fishy fishy, Chaos tig, Head it catch it and general sports).
Joyous bedlam ensued, along with a plethora of nicknames: Richie, Rich Tea, Ricardo, Richie Rich, Cheesy Ritz and even Razzle Dazzle?? :P
Wacky Wednesday! |
The prix fixe menu is as follows:
a) Passport to the World - Groups go round Dalguise looking for flag signs on trees and answer the questions. £5 (The short straw).
b) Splash - Teams undertake challenges trying to earn more equipment for their team to make a water baby which will then be thrown off the tower to see if it doesn't pop. £5.50 (Hit & miss).
c) Wacky Races - Races with a twist. The more creative and wacky the better! £7 (Has it's ups and downs).
Main Course:
a) Campfire - Lots of groups invariably would come together to sing songs, play games and toast marshmallows! £20 (The best of the lot! It's scientifically proven).
b) Cluedo (I've led this as the Policemen in a Scottish accent!) - A live re-enactment of the board game where staff and teachers would dress up as Cluedo characters and the kids would have to deduce (by completing the Cluedo character challenges) who committed the crime, with what object and where it took place. The culprit would be "wetsecuted", much to the roaring delight of the kids, which meant getting soaked by buckets of water: It is freezing! £12.50 (Always a blast!).
c) Disco - Most groups on centre (max capacity is 400+) go to a massive disco in the sports hall dome and plays mainstream bleurgh and old school cheesiness: this can grind my gears somewhat! (Please stop!) £15
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Donning the PGL blues! With a Canadian (running joke). |
a) Ambush - A glorified version of hide & seek in teams, where we put on army gear and camouflage up! £10 (Fun for all the family!).
b) Robot Wars - In rival teams, the groups battle against each other making cardboard cut out robots, that they put on, before battling it out in the arena where they are blindfolded and throw flour and water at each other. £8.50 (Exceeds expectations).
A pure feast of enjoyment no?
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Deep fried mars bar, not a battered poop! |
Right from the off I knew I would not be a draconian disciplinarian, like my teachers gone by. I chose the "you're wasting your own time" tactic, which at times had diminishing returns but was still decent.
The most effective and brilliant way to get the attention of my children/minions (everyone is obsessed with Despicable Me here) was to do a chant to get everyone's attention, rather than shouting at kids.
For example, "Oggy oggy oggy" and they reply "Oy oy oy" = silence! The more creative the better! Other PGL examples: a) "I don't care", "I love it". (b) "Who let the dogs out", "Who? who? who?", along with the YMCA, We will rock you, Spongebob Squarepants, Scooby Doo and so on.
Just a bit special.... :) |
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Syttende Mai! |
PGL for me is like one beautiful triple teared sponge cake. Amazing job (sponge), great mates (jam and cream), beautiful scenery (icing), delicieux!
As you can well imagine this job is quite rewarding and humbling at the same time. Some kids from underprivileged backgrounds, mental or physical disabilities, for example, really have the time of their lives and can even shape their lives for the future.
They will never forget that week at PGL where they climbed to the top of tree climb (75ft), or went on the giant swing, hit that gold in archery or rofl-ed on the floor laughing at their raft building attempts and the close friendships they formed. You can't take that away from some people.
It increases confidence, teamwork and communication to name just a few, but generally at the end of it all many come out in floods of tears as they depart PGL, begging not to go or begging you to come with them!
This is why I loved being a group leader and the job itself has had a profound impact on me. "Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life!" REMEMBER THAT RICHIE!
PGL really can play an extremely positive role in a child's development. You get to meet such wonderful, funny and enthusiastic young people and I was rewarded for being as funny, juvenile and wacky as I wanted (groups gave me money, vouchers, chocolate, cakes, cards, letters: nice bonus ey?).
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Useless superheroes! |
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Wifi spot... |
At times I really questioned if I should get paid at all for this job (even though they do pay us in laughter and smiles, i.e. not much, for this job but I ain't complaining!), as like I said, this is not a job for me it is a hobby, THE BEST HOBBY EVER!
P.S. 1) Thank you a gazillion brabillion times to PGL for hiring me, I cannot thank you enough!!!
2) Thank you Adam Fine (2nd cousin) for teaching me the wonderful game of 'Spud', which has coincidentally taken PGL by storm!
3) Box shuffles are just awesome fun (ala Toy Story 2).
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